Friday, June 29, 2007

It's a feel good place...

The best part of being involved in theatre is the rehearsal process, I think. I dunno -- there's just something about the energy and excitement around trying new things, seeing what works, laughing with friends.

We're finally into the "real" rehearsals for (W)Holes (the show I'm in). Since it's a show made up of a series of monologues, up to now we've just had one-on-one rehearsals with the director.

My character is fun. At first, I just didn't think I liked her much -- and I thought she was a bit cartoonish. But I'm inside her now, and I'm growing to love her. That all sounds sorta bullcrappy-ish and schlock-"method", I know. I can see you rolling your eyes right about now, too. That's okay.

I forgot how much I miss Rene, how much I love Cyndy, and how utterly wonderful Mikey is. This just feels good. And Thea is a delight.

(W)Holes is an odd little show. It's a beautiful, quirky, heart-wrenching, funny, strange little show.

It's one of those shows where you wonder if you weren't IN the show if you would like to WATCH the show. I really don't know. But as my character says, "it's a feel good place, just like the kitchen table...with a pot of coffee and good friends to keep you company."

Good night.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I had a birthday this week so my sister-in-law brought me this bouquet of lillies.

I just wish you could smell them; they're intoxicating!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Coffee talk

Had my first rehearsal last night.

I met Mike at a coffee shop near campus, and aside from a dude who refused to move his bare feet off the coffee table so I could get through to give Mike a hug and an Indian chick next to us having what I can only guess was cell phone sex - in the most babyish, Minnie Mouse voice EVER - it went very well.

As an ice breaker, I spilled water on Mikey's shorts.

Then, we spent some time going through the script and just as much time getting reacquainted and talking about motherhood, the very first Starbucks, healthcare, Venice, sex education, Hawaii, you name it.

Happy weekend, friends.